

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Richard Jones

Adjunct Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

07 November 2023

Research Interests

My research interests and contributions fall largely within neural engineering and the neurosciences, and particularly within (1) human performance engineering – development and application of computerized tests for quantification of upper-limb sensory-motor and cognitive function, particularly in brain disorders (stroke, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury) and driver assessment, (2) lapses of responsiveness (microsleeps, attention lapses) – characteristics, brain mechanisms via simultaneous-fMRI+EEG+Tracking+EyeClosure, and detection from behavioural measures (tracking and videometrics) and electrophysiological signals (EEG, EOG), (3) signal processing in clinical neurophysiology – detection of epileptic activity, (4) eye movements in brain disorders, (5) computational modelling of the human brain, (6) neural control of swallowing, (7) obstructive sleep apnea and adverse effects on brain, and (8) forensic brainwave analysis.

  • Biomedical and neural engineering
  • Lapses (microsleeps & lapses of attention) and drowsiness
  • Human performance engineering
  • Obstructive sleep apnea and effects on brain
  • Forensic brainwave analysis
  • Neural control of swallowing and rehabilitation of swallowing disorders

Recent Publications

  • Afzali MU., Jones RD., Seren-Grace AP., Palmer RW., Makarious D., Rodrigues MNB. and Neumann E. (2023) Classification accuracy of the event-related potentials-based Brain Fingerprinting and its robustness to direct-suppression and thought-substitution countermeasures. Applied Cognitive Psychology .
  • Jones RD. (2023) Virtual reality in post-stroke neurorehabilitation–a systematic review and meta-analysis. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation .
  • Zaky MH., Shoorangiz R., Poudel GR., Yang L., Innes CRH. and Jones RD. (2023) Increased cerebral activity during microsleeps reflects an unconscious drive to re-establish consciousness. International Journal of Psychophysiology 189: 57-65. .
  • Afzali U., Palmer R., Neumann E., Seren-Grace A., Makarios S., Wilson D. and Jones R. (2021) Detection of concealed knowledge via the ERP-based technique Brain Fingerprinting: Real-crime scenarios. Brisbane: Australasian Experimental Psychology Society, 7 Apr 2021.
  • Ayyagari S., Jones R. and Weddell S. (2021) Detection of microsleep states from the EEG: A comparison of feature reduction methods. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 59 MBEC-D-20-00240R2: 1643-1657. .
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