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Teaching Medal

Ekant Veer | 2017

16 October 2023

Meet Associate Professor Ekant Veer from Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship who won the prestigious Ҷֱ Teaching Medal for 2017.


The Ҷֱ will present Associate Professor Ekant Veer, from the Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship department, with the Teaching Medal for 2017.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Dr Hamish Cochrane, who is Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee that recommends a winner to UC Council, says that this year’s medallist was a particularly strong candidate with a proven record as an “outstanding teacher”.

“Associate Professor Veer is an innovative teacher who is passionate about teaching and enabling his students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real world problems to create practical, digital marketing solutions for companies,” Dr Cochrane says.

“His work is also used as teaching material in many different contexts beyond his influence with UC students – locally as part of the Canterbury District Health Board training about public health and health promotion, nationally by the New Ҷֱ Red Cross and internationally by his lectures on teaching effectiveness across Australian universities.”

Associate Professor Veer has a track record of teaching excellence, both in New Ҷֱ and prior to that at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. He has previously been recognised with a UC Teaching Award and five Lecturer of the Year Awards from the UCSA since he joined UC in 2010.

Associate Professor Veer is an innovative teacher who is passionate about teaching and enabling his students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real world problems to create practical, digital marketing solutions for companies.

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